Monday 19 November 2012

Unplanned Travelling Rally


Alhamdulillah, hari ni dapat peluang untuk duduk berkongsi cerita dan pengalaman sepanjang bulan lepas dan awal bulan ni.

What??? it has been more than a month already?? lari KPI saya sudah.. huhu..

Well..what to do, since last three weeks we travelled every weekends. Starting from my brother in law's Convocation at UTP on 21st October, Hari Raya Aidil Adha on 26th October and last weekend we were off to Melaka for Business cum Family Holiday trip :) Fuhh... almost one month we do not have a relaxing weekend at home. Nonetheless all the trips were very fulfilling. Penat memang penat tapi sangat2 berbaloi.

Kenapa sgt2 berbaloi? First, alhamdulillah, kami dapat menunaikan hak dan hajat ahli2 keluarga. Kedua, it strengthen the bond between us. Ketiga, orang kata jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan and the Imam Mudas were exposed to a whole lot of new experience. 

I was really looking forward for the trip to UTP as it brought back many fond memories. :) Tempat jatuh lagikan di kenang.. hehe. lagipun there's where I met my hubby :) wink2!! 
Instead of travelling through normal routes that we always took to Perak, this time hubby decided to go through Cameron Highlands which was really exciting. Dah lama sangat kami takgi Cameron, in fact since kawen kitorng tak pernah pergi sana.It was very fulfilling tengok the Amiruls and their Opah really enjoyed the de-tour so much. We got the chance to see the tea plantation, went to the butterfly park, strawberry farm, and pasar malam brinchang. Well, let the pics do the talking :)

Adik Hafiz pun nak petik strawberry sendiri

Strawberry plucking with my MIL and the Imam Mudas
Hubby and anakanda yang tgh sabar tunggu makanan

My heroes

Abg Hakim posing before entering the Butterfly Park

Macam sedap je buah merah ni.. ooucch masamnyer :D

We stayed at Ipoh Boutique Hotel for the night before off to UTP the next day for the convocation day. It was a new hotel (just 4 months in operation) in the middle of Ipoh town. The room is very simple but very spacious. My heroes loved it so much.Early morning the next day we took off to UTP.

UTP doesn't change much since we left 7 years ago..I always love the fresh morning air in UTP (fresh lah kan berbanding tempat lain..hehe). The convo ceremony took almost half day but i was really glad that Abg and Adik enjoyed themselves throughout the wait. UTP had offered some games for the families while waiting for the ceremony to end. Ada giant Dam Haji and Dam Ular. Abg Hakim joined the dam ular game with other kids mostly older than him. He played just for fun of throwing the giant dice and moving the cone from one number to another. Dia tak kisah pun kena makan ular ke naik tangga ke. But guess what?? He won the game!! First time ever he played the game and he won!!..I'm really proud of you Amirul Hakim..haha..ibunyer pulak yang terlebih bangga. :P Well, he was really happy with the win walaupun dia tak target pun in the first place. 
Gaya apa tak tahu dua beradik ni

Can you spot the biggest teddy bear??

Abg Hakim playing Dam Ular- besar punya!!

And he won!! :) wink2
Congrates paksu!!

Three days after we came back from Perak, it was time to balik kampung pulak for Eidul Adha. Alhamdulillah, since six years ago kami berpeluang menyambut Aidil Adha di Machang. Well org selalu kata raya haji kat kelantan meriah. Actually, sama jer meriah raya puasa and raya haji kat Kelantan just that kat negeri lain Eidul Adha kurang diraikan. Di Kelantan, tradisinya, the big family will gather together, kongsi seekor lembu utk korban, then org2 laki akan involve semasa melapah lembu tersebut dan kaum wanita akan bergotong royong masak sebaik sahaja daging siap dilapah. We cooked very simple meals from the slaughtered cow, e.g daging goreng kunyit, singgang daging, air asam daging dengan hati, kalau ada perut ngan perut skali, sup gear box atau yang lagi sedap kitorng panggil kok kok (entah betul ke eja cam ni..hehe). Mmg puas ler makan daging time raya haji sbb lepas korban kenduri daging, pastu malam bbq daging lagi, esok makan daging lagi.. kalau makan ikut nafsu jer, mmg ada lah yang kena gout, high kolestrol dan mungkin juga darah tinggi masa kena lah berpada-pada dan tahu limit diri sendiri.. tapi daging korban is really exceptionally delicious, lembut dan manis.. yummy!!
Abg Hakim dengan hasil kerjanyer setelah khyusuk mewarna time orang sibuk makan
Amirul Hakim and Sarah Alya - bestest friend in the world

Adik Hafiz suka bergambar dengan makanan..hehe..
Makan time, penuh meja lauk..semua lauk simple2 tapi membangkit selera
Suasana tengah tunggu lembu dikorbankan 

Singgang daging.. yummmeh!!

Air asam daging + hati lembu in the making
The Master Chef
Menuntut ilmu from Master Chef

Abis episod Raya Haji, the next weekend we were off to Melaka. I had a forum on Monday tapi Saturday dah bertolak from home, overnight kat umah my sister kat KL sbb target nak sampai Melaka awal pagi Ahad. Tujuannya nak bawak anak2 ngan MIL jalan2 kat Melaka Bandaraya bersejarah. Alhamdulillah sepanjang 3 weekends jalan non-stop we are all in the pink of health. So semua dapat enjoy and cherish all the tripsto the max :) My shaklee vits tak tinggal okay. Must bring items are Mealshake (ensure Abg Hakim got enough nutrient as he do not each much especially kalau travel), vitamin C(daily intake and standby kalau ada symptom nak selsema), nutriferon(immune booster), Omega guard, B-complex , Vitalea (multivitamin) and Herb-Lax (utk melawaskan dan melegakan ususku :D)

Here are some suggestion to all mommies out there during long trips:

  • Stimulate your toddlers throughout the trip through constructive communication of what he can see, hear, feel, etc while on the road and during the visit to those interesting places
  • Actively listen and respond to their queries
  • As much as possible try to relate the wonderful things they saw with the Creator - contoh: bila anak2 kata 'wah.. besarnye zirafah!!" kita respond " besar..hebatkan zirafah?? sapa buat Zirafah?' or bila anak kata cantiknya bunga, kita cuba biasakan ckp, kalau cantik ckp apa?? Subhanallah!! 
  • Let them listen to nasyid or Quran recitation in the car coz you are what you listen to (adopted from you are what you eat and you are what you read..hehe) 
  • Train your little ones to recite doa(s), e.g doa naik kenderaan, doa makan, etc
  • Make full use of the trip to embed the good values into you kids and also don't forget to learn from them (yes, you'll learnt a lot too from them!!
Looking forward to more exciting trips with the kids in the future. Rasanya tak perlu pergi jauh2, spent thousands of ringgit to have a nice family holiday, just make the best out of every trip you have with your family :). Tapi kalau mampu, by all means please go. Jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan dan semoga setiap perjalanan mendekatkan kita kepadaNya :)