Saturday 15 December 2012

Pencarian Tadika Anakanda


Tahun baru bakal menjelang, mesti ibu bapa yang anak dah masuk 4 tahun sibuk dan berusaha keras untuk mencari dan memilih tadika yang terbaik untuk anak-anak mereka. Dengan bermacam program dan method yang ditawarkan dalam sistem pendidikan awal kanak-kanak dewasa ini, tentunya ibu bapa rambang mata juga tak kurang yang pening kepala mana satu nak pilih untuk si permata hati.

Ooh, memang mencabar tugas ini kerana ia adalah antara satu keputusan yang besar yang harus kita buat dalam fasa kehidupan anak-anak kita. Your truly tak terkecuali.

Abang Hakim @ Muhammad Amirul Hakim will be 5 year old next year even though by birth date he hasn't reach 4 yet (his birthday is on 20th December). The quest began end of October this year as we decided to enroll him to a new kindergarten next year. Yes, currently he is already attending a kindy in Balok, continuation from his nursery. It triggered us to start searching and surveying other kindergarten as since July this year, Abang Hakim was reluctant to go to school almost every day. All sorts of reasons he gave when asked what make him unhappy at current school and ' cat dinding sekolah tak cantik' also included in the list. Then we realized that perhaps, change of environment would be good to him.

Bagi saya, program di tadika sekarang agak bagus, ada sistem yang teratur, menggunakan program smart reader, al furqan, menitik beratkan tentang amalan2 sebagai seorang Muslim dan pemantauan berterusan prestasi anak2 di tadika. Yurannya sangat berpatutan dan masa kerja teacher2nya juga sangat flexible. Kami tak perlu risau kalau terpaksa balik lambat atau terpaksa bekerja di hujung minggu, hatta kalau saya dah suami terpaksa out station pada masa yang sama, Tadika Prisma Bistari Balok ni sedia membantu menjaga anak2 kami dengan baik.

Tapi macam ibunya jugak, anakanda saya ni cepat bosan orangnya, I guess :) hehe. Therefore we think he needs a new place, new environment and new excitement. It's not easy to find a kindy which is at par or event better compared to the one he is attending now. Abang Hakim punya nyanyian hari2 masa dalam kereta, time main2 kat umah and even jalan2 kat shopping mall would be zikir2, doa2 dan alunan selawat. Alhamdulillah.. :) and this morning since both ayah and Abg Hakim bgn lambat dan tak sempat nak ke masjid for Subuh, I watched and guide Abg Hakim to perform his Solat Subuh. Amazingly, dia dah dapat hafal niat utk solat, doa iftitah, bacaan antara 2 sujud dan tahiyyat akhir, doa qunut pun cam dah familiar tapi tak hafal abis. Thanks to all the teachers yang sabar dan tekun mengajar Imam Muda ibu walaupun abg ni susah nak bg tumpuan dalam kelas..Teacher kata asyik lari2 kuar kelas pergi kat office teacher lah, kata nak amek barang dalam beg lah, dan mcm2 lagi.. and he is very good in giving justifications, reasons and excuses - realistic ones..

Having said that, we did detailed survey on the shortlisted kindergartens around Indera Mahkota and Balok. To name a few, kami ada survey PASTI Cengal Lempong, Tadika UIA, Little Caliph & Brainy Bunch Islamic Montessori.

Apa kriteria yang kami ambil berat time survey tadika ni?
-Tadika + Daycare at least sampai 7.00 pm since almost everyday yours truly and hubby kuar office paling awal pun 6pm
-Islamic practices and values is part of the main program
-English medium is a plus point
-Suasana pembelajaran yang ceria dan mengambil kira keadaan dan respond pelajar
-Teachers able to pay adequate attention to our curious, talkative and always full of questions Imam Muda. So teacher and student ratio is important
-Personality dan prisip cikgu yang mengajar juga sangat penting sbb anak kita duduk ngan cikgu almost 12 hours so sikap cikgu sangat mempengaruhi peribadi anakandaku
-Keadaan sekolah yang bersih dan ceria dan ada alat bantu mengajar yang boleh menarik minat Muhammad Amirul Hakim
-And of course the ongkos nya mestilah reasonable

Fikir punya fikir, survey punya survey, akhirnya kami memilih The Little Caliph untuk meneruskan misi mendidik anakanda Muhammad Amirul Hakim utk menjadi seorang Imam Muda dan seorang Mujahid yang bertaqwa dan kental..

Some info on Tadika Muslim Kreatif yang menggunakan The Little Caliph Program:
1. Adopt Islamic - English- Creative pre school program
2. Day care program abis pukul 6.30 ptg and OT is only beza RM 2 jer per hour from Abg Hakim current tadika, which is very reasonable
3. Ada program Qiraati and taekwando!!
4. Teacher student ratio is 1:13. In case kalau diorng terpaksa amek lebih student due to demand from parents, then assistant teacher akan ada for each class with more than 13 students to ensure all students get enought attention. I think this is awesome! :)
5. They emphasize on healty food for the children, even ada guideline on what type of food yang boleh dan tak boleh bawak utk birthday celebration anak2 kita. I'm impressed.
6. Beberapa amalan sunnah juga ditekankan dalam pembelajaran dan amali anak2 setiap hari

InsyaAllah.. mudah-mudahan ini keputusan yang terbaik untuk kami semua.
Future Imam Muda(s).. InsyaAllah

Monday 19 November 2012

Unplanned Travelling Rally


Alhamdulillah, hari ni dapat peluang untuk duduk berkongsi cerita dan pengalaman sepanjang bulan lepas dan awal bulan ni.

What??? it has been more than a month already?? lari KPI saya sudah.. huhu..

Well..what to do, since last three weeks we travelled every weekends. Starting from my brother in law's Convocation at UTP on 21st October, Hari Raya Aidil Adha on 26th October and last weekend we were off to Melaka for Business cum Family Holiday trip :) Fuhh... almost one month we do not have a relaxing weekend at home. Nonetheless all the trips were very fulfilling. Penat memang penat tapi sangat2 berbaloi.

Kenapa sgt2 berbaloi? First, alhamdulillah, kami dapat menunaikan hak dan hajat ahli2 keluarga. Kedua, it strengthen the bond between us. Ketiga, orang kata jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan and the Imam Mudas were exposed to a whole lot of new experience. 

I was really looking forward for the trip to UTP as it brought back many fond memories. :) Tempat jatuh lagikan di kenang.. hehe. lagipun there's where I met my hubby :) wink2!! 
Instead of travelling through normal routes that we always took to Perak, this time hubby decided to go through Cameron Highlands which was really exciting. Dah lama sangat kami takgi Cameron, in fact since kawen kitorng tak pernah pergi sana.It was very fulfilling tengok the Amiruls and their Opah really enjoyed the de-tour so much. We got the chance to see the tea plantation, went to the butterfly park, strawberry farm, and pasar malam brinchang. Well, let the pics do the talking :)

Adik Hafiz pun nak petik strawberry sendiri

Strawberry plucking with my MIL and the Imam Mudas
Hubby and anakanda yang tgh sabar tunggu makanan

My heroes

Abg Hakim posing before entering the Butterfly Park

Macam sedap je buah merah ni.. ooucch masamnyer :D

We stayed at Ipoh Boutique Hotel for the night before off to UTP the next day for the convocation day. It was a new hotel (just 4 months in operation) in the middle of Ipoh town. The room is very simple but very spacious. My heroes loved it so much.Early morning the next day we took off to UTP.

UTP doesn't change much since we left 7 years ago..I always love the fresh morning air in UTP (fresh lah kan berbanding tempat lain..hehe). The convo ceremony took almost half day but i was really glad that Abg and Adik enjoyed themselves throughout the wait. UTP had offered some games for the families while waiting for the ceremony to end. Ada giant Dam Haji and Dam Ular. Abg Hakim joined the dam ular game with other kids mostly older than him. He played just for fun of throwing the giant dice and moving the cone from one number to another. Dia tak kisah pun kena makan ular ke naik tangga ke. But guess what?? He won the game!! First time ever he played the game and he won!!..I'm really proud of you Amirul Hakim..haha..ibunyer pulak yang terlebih bangga. :P Well, he was really happy with the win walaupun dia tak target pun in the first place. 
Gaya apa tak tahu dua beradik ni

Can you spot the biggest teddy bear??

Abg Hakim playing Dam Ular- besar punya!!

And he won!! :) wink2
Congrates paksu!!

Three days after we came back from Perak, it was time to balik kampung pulak for Eidul Adha. Alhamdulillah, since six years ago kami berpeluang menyambut Aidil Adha di Machang. Well org selalu kata raya haji kat kelantan meriah. Actually, sama jer meriah raya puasa and raya haji kat Kelantan just that kat negeri lain Eidul Adha kurang diraikan. Di Kelantan, tradisinya, the big family will gather together, kongsi seekor lembu utk korban, then org2 laki akan involve semasa melapah lembu tersebut dan kaum wanita akan bergotong royong masak sebaik sahaja daging siap dilapah. We cooked very simple meals from the slaughtered cow, e.g daging goreng kunyit, singgang daging, air asam daging dengan hati, kalau ada perut ngan perut skali, sup gear box atau yang lagi sedap kitorng panggil kok kok (entah betul ke eja cam ni..hehe). Mmg puas ler makan daging time raya haji sbb lepas korban kenduri daging, pastu malam bbq daging lagi, esok makan daging lagi.. kalau makan ikut nafsu jer, mmg ada lah yang kena gout, high kolestrol dan mungkin juga darah tinggi masa kena lah berpada-pada dan tahu limit diri sendiri.. tapi daging korban is really exceptionally delicious, lembut dan manis.. yummy!!
Abg Hakim dengan hasil kerjanyer setelah khyusuk mewarna time orang sibuk makan
Amirul Hakim and Sarah Alya - bestest friend in the world

Adik Hafiz suka bergambar dengan makanan..hehe..
Makan time, penuh meja lauk..semua lauk simple2 tapi membangkit selera
Suasana tengah tunggu lembu dikorbankan 

Singgang daging.. yummmeh!!

Air asam daging + hati lembu in the making
The Master Chef
Menuntut ilmu from Master Chef

Abis episod Raya Haji, the next weekend we were off to Melaka. I had a forum on Monday tapi Saturday dah bertolak from home, overnight kat umah my sister kat KL sbb target nak sampai Melaka awal pagi Ahad. Tujuannya nak bawak anak2 ngan MIL jalan2 kat Melaka Bandaraya bersejarah. Alhamdulillah sepanjang 3 weekends jalan non-stop we are all in the pink of health. So semua dapat enjoy and cherish all the tripsto the max :) My shaklee vits tak tinggal okay. Must bring items are Mealshake (ensure Abg Hakim got enough nutrient as he do not each much especially kalau travel), vitamin C(daily intake and standby kalau ada symptom nak selsema), nutriferon(immune booster), Omega guard, B-complex , Vitalea (multivitamin) and Herb-Lax (utk melawaskan dan melegakan ususku :D)

Here are some suggestion to all mommies out there during long trips:

  • Stimulate your toddlers throughout the trip through constructive communication of what he can see, hear, feel, etc while on the road and during the visit to those interesting places
  • Actively listen and respond to their queries
  • As much as possible try to relate the wonderful things they saw with the Creator - contoh: bila anak2 kata 'wah.. besarnye zirafah!!" kita respond " besar..hebatkan zirafah?? sapa buat Zirafah?' or bila anak kata cantiknya bunga, kita cuba biasakan ckp, kalau cantik ckp apa?? Subhanallah!! 
  • Let them listen to nasyid or Quran recitation in the car coz you are what you listen to (adopted from you are what you eat and you are what you read..hehe) 
  • Train your little ones to recite doa(s), e.g doa naik kenderaan, doa makan, etc
  • Make full use of the trip to embed the good values into you kids and also don't forget to learn from them (yes, you'll learnt a lot too from them!!
Looking forward to more exciting trips with the kids in the future. Rasanya tak perlu pergi jauh2, spent thousands of ringgit to have a nice family holiday, just make the best out of every trip you have with your family :). Tapi kalau mampu, by all means please go. Jauh perjalanan, luas pemandangan dan semoga setiap perjalanan mendekatkan kita kepadaNya :)

Saturday 13 October 2012

One Challenging Week

Guess I owe an explanation why I haven't update this blog more than a week.. Well, of course it's an excuse but I bet you it's a good one..hehe..

This whole week was a really challenging week for me. For a start, I got very bad flu last Saturday. In fact the whole family were down with flu starting from Adik Hafiz. But being toddlers, Adik Hafiz and Abg Hakim were still active and cheerful even with runny nose. It's just me and hubby felt quite uncomfortable as our nasal area felt congested and heads felt heavy.
It was quite some time since I got my last flu.. maybe during uni I guess this virus must be a very strong one. I snooze furiously all day long..It was quite bad really until I got to take MC on Monday.Hubby got better earlier because he religiously took two tablets of Shaklee Vita-C and get some rest.

Talking about work, I had few presentations to be delivered a monthly report to complete and a tedious analysis to be finalized within this week and I got only 4 days. With the running nose, pile of work and I could not really focus on my analysis at work (meetings to attend, other staff needs assistance, boss intermittently asking this and that), it ended up with two sleepless nights. Man, it was so pack, tough and very stressful.

Actually I managed to refrain myself from bringing my work home all these while as for me, at home is time for family and other things.Well, it's work life balance principle :).But this week I had no choice. Sorry dear hubby, Abg Hakim and Adik Hafiz.

But amazingly,my family is very supportive. Macam faham-faham jer, both kids were well behaved. Abang Hakim sangat baik, mendengar kata, main ngan adik Hafiz elok-elok, senang bagi apa adik nak. Terhibur kejap tengok diorng main gurau2.
Abang Hakim siap voluntarily nak baca Iqra' dan sempat ajar adik Hafiz lagi baca Alif ngan Ba. :) Adik Hafiz pun Alhamdulillah tak meragam pun eventhough dia selsema.

Hubby was also very charming, sabar je dengar kita mengadu masalah kerje even though dia pun ada tonnes of problems yang nak difikirkan. Hubby even siap hidangkan breakfast for me on Friday as I was rushing to complete my presentation materials.

I was a bit demotivated  for a while due to some people's remark at work. Tapi pape pun, the best thing to do is mengadu to Allah Almighty dengan sepenuh hati. Nak nangis pun nangis lah masa tu. And remind back myself that kita buat kerja bukan kerana nak dapat pengiktirafan orang tapi usaha kerana Allah. A motivator I met recently during teambuilding session always said, apa-apa pun Tuhan tauu. I will always remember your 5 key principle Mr. Alfonse!! Ego must go, Rubish must throw, Control situation, Tuhan Tau and Better because of me.

Alhamdulillah, the week turns out OK, Allah mudahkan segala urusan. Cuma ralat x pergi Usrah this week sebab rasa kerja banyak sangat. Tapi bila fikir balik boleh je pergi sebab bila kita spend time untuk zikrullah, insyaAllah Allah akan mudahkan urusan dunia kita kan? Nampak sangat keyakinan kat situ tak mantap lagi.

Managed to go through this hectic and stressful week without pengsan or demam, Alhamdulillah. With lots of Shaklee Vita-C untuk kurangkan selsema and Shaklee Performance Drink for all of us to retain enough liquid in our bodies. Additionally Abang Hakim ngan Adik Hafiz consumed Omega Guard while myself amek Nutriferon to boost my antibody. Alhamdulillah the Imam Mudas already got much better now, our flu (mine and hubby's) already gone and batuk saya pun tak teruk. And of course my basic supplements ( B-Complex and Vitalea) and madu tak tinggal.

Lagu penghibur hati dan penyuntik semangat for me to overcome all the challenges this week is Menuju Wawasan from UNIC. Suka sgt lagu ni. Hope you'll enjoy it too :)

Menuju Wawasan from UNIC

Wawasan diri penuhi dada dengan ilmu
Wawasan agama bekalan masa depan dan akhirat
Kuat usaha jujur dan amanah
Sentiasa mengharapkan keredhoan Allah

umat islam harus cemerlang hari
ini mesti lebih baik dari semalam

Jangan buang masa
siapa kata kita tidak boleh
kita ada Allah maha kuasa
kita punya kuasa tenaga
doa sebagai senjata
umat islam sentiasa boleh

umat islam zaman lampau
taat perintah Rasulullah
bersama berusaha bersatu tujuan wawasan
wawasan dunia dan akhirat

aqidah ibadah harus sempurna
ibadah tanpa aqidah wawasan syaitan
ulama' warisan ambiya'
pegangan mereka harus diikuti
ajaran sesat wajib hindari

umat islam harus cemerlang hari ini
umat islam sentiasa boleh

akhirnya islam cemerlang seluruh dunia

Thursday 4 October 2012

Blessing In Disguise - Part 2

Continuation from Blessing In Disguise - Part 1.

Well, this is how he looked like when the on duty doctors in the ICU had stabilized Adik Hafiz.

He was on ventilator. There were 6 needles tercucuk kat badan dia untuk masuk air and ubat-ubat and one tube through his nose to his stomach for milk..huhu..Ibu mana tak sayu tgk anak dalam keadaan mcm ni. But I really thank Allah as everything was just in time. We reached KMC before he got critical, and we got the bed in HTAA also in time and immediately when he reached the ICU, four doctors attended to him. Alhamdulillah.

In order for me to stay strong, I really need to focus at one moment at a time. Meaning tgk progress dia from time to time and hold on to even the slightest sign of recovery. And of course keyakinan atas pertolongan Allah. I need to force all sort of positive thoughts and words into my mind. This was when I really need to believe that doa seoarang ibu untuk anaknya sangat makbul. But at the same time I need tell myself, I can only give my best in my prayers and other amalan but if Allah decide to take Adik Hafiz away, I also must prepare for it, maksudnya kena redha dengan takdir Allah

The first day Adik Hafiz in ICU was quite blur to me except for yang masa mula-mula kami sampai and what the doctor's said. There were families and friends came to the hospital to give any kind of support to us.My in laws were the first to come, and taking care Abg Hakim. Then came my parents all the way from Machang. Pastu adik beradik and bapak and mak saudara all the way from KL. Jiran-jiran, kawan-kawan kerja including bosses pun dtg utk bagi kata-kata semangat.Ada yang saya tak sempat jumpa pun but I was really touched by the supports and kind prayers.

Kat ICU it's not like you can be at your baby's bedside all the time. Most of the time I'm in the mother's room. we were not allowed to visit our baby when the doctors were doing the rounds and treatment. Kejap-kejap je oleh tengok or sometimes jenguk je from pintu bilik. Masuk pun there is nothing you can do apart from cakap2 ngan dia and belai-belai badan dia sikit.

Adik hafiz diberi ubat tido so that dia tak terjaga and meronta-ronta utk cabut wayar yang berselirat kat badan dia. But sometimes when I was near him, he will sense my presence and terjaga and angkat tangan mintak dukung but of course I can't grant his wish.Sedih memang sedih.. kadang2 air mata tu senang je mengalir bila duduk kat dia.. Tapi ustaz yang lawat kitorng masa kat ICU kata, Ibu kena kuat sebab anak dapat semangat dari ibu. Kalau ibu lemah dan putus asa, anak akan hilang semangat untuk fight for survivor.

As nothing much I can do kat ICU to and of course I could think about anything else but my poor baby, masa tu ler start mencari doa-doa syifak untuk dihafal dan dibaca as much as I can.Alhamdulillah masa tu dah pakai smart phone, so everything kat hujung jari.Umi suruh baca Yasin byk2 and I did that also, everyday after solat subuh and other free time. My friend Lyna Noh shared her experience masa anak dia masuk NICU and advised me to imagine my baby's face masa baca Al-Fatihah dalam solat and I did that also.

By the way, Adik Hafiz was diagnosed with severe pneumonia. Since secara luaran dia nampak perfectly heatlthy even with the wires all over his body and the ventilator tube kept his mounth opened all the time, Ustaz sarankan saya baca ayat from surah Al- Isra' Ayat 40-55, sekurang-kurangnya 3 kali sehari. Ustaz kata ni mcm ubat jugak, kena cukup dos which is 3 times a day. Ayat ni untuk penyakit dalaman, penyakit dalam dada. Semasa baca ayat2 ni disarankan usap dada pesakit. I did that everyday, faithfully dgn harapan yang menggunung Allah sembuhkan Adik Hafiz secepat mungkin.

Days gone by, Adik Hafiz was on ventilator for 4 days. Since Adik Hafiz was still breastfeeding that time, I continuously pump and stock up EBM for him. In situation like this, EBM will be the best and perfect food for him. I pumped every 3-4 hours and handover the milk to the nurses for them to keep in the fridge and feed Adik Hafiz later.During pumping session I usually baca selawat syifa' dan kadang2 surah Yasin. Mudah-mudahan berkat ayat2 tersebut dapat membantu adik Hafiz lawan penyakit dia dengan izin Allah.

The nurses were amazed when I gave them 2 bottles of EBM every 3-4 hours sampai seorang nurse pernah kata sambil tersenyum, ' Banyak yea susu awak, dah nak penuh dah fridge kat belakang tu dgn susu awak'.
I just replied with Alhamdulillah, rezeki.

Only on the 3rd day Adik hafiz was allowed to be fed with milk and only through the tube into his stomach. I was really excited and thankful that he was allowed to be fed, even though only  30ml for a start. Ini menandakan his was getting better. Mula2 nurse bagi adik Hafiz minum ikut tube, then after a few feeding nurse offer untuk saya buat sendiri.I was really happy dapat bagi adik hafiz susu sendiri even though not directly. Sebelum dia dapat minum susu saya bagi dia air zamzam, sikit-sikit utk basahkan mulut dan tekak dia coz I know tekak dia mesti sgt kering as berhari-hari mulut dia terbuka dalam aircond pulak tu.

Hubby was really supportive throughout these time, ulang alik bawak barang keperluan saya, tengok Abang Hakim kat rumah, layan sedara mara dan sahabat2 yang dtg melawat. Father's are not allowed to stay in the ICU ward at night but Hubby wanted to be closed to his son. So dia tidur je atas kerusi depan bilik ICU tu. Bila mak guard datang mintak dia keluar, he will sleep outside or kalau sejuk sangat dan banyak nyamuk he will sleep in the car. Kasih ayahanda.

On day 4 in ICU, adik Hafiz was strong enough to breath on his own and the nurses took off the ventilatorand moved him outside the room.That means I can now sleep by his bed side. Gembira sangat rasanya time tu.Adik Hafiz's recovery rate was quite fast as the next day we were transferred to wad kanak2.

2 days in wad kanak2 HTAA we requested to transfer back to KMC to complete the antibiotic dose and monitoring period. HTAA's service was superb but Adik Hafiz could not sleep kat dalam was tu sebab the ward was congested and setiap masa ada je budak nangis dan merauang-raung. He was also traumatized dan akan nangis bila tengok doctors and nurses. Mana taknya, dia dah associate them with injections and needles which were of course very painful. But then that was needed to be done to treat him. We spent another 2 days in KMC (Kuantan Medical Center) and then Adik hafiz was discharged for home monitoring and treatment.
Hafiz kat KMC, one day before discharge

Even though it was the most horrified moment, we felt blessed in many ways. First of all, we felt closer to Allah than ever.Satu-satunya pergantungan pada Allah subhanawataala. Masa ni dapat perbanyakkan kan ibadah dan setiap amal dan doa dapat dilakukan dgn bersungguh-sungguh dan sepenuh hati.Saya kini yakin yang bila kita ditimpa kesusahan atau musibah, Allah tgh menguji kita. Kenapa Allah uji kita, sebab dia sayangkan kita kerana dengan ujian ini lah kita akan berusaha menjadi lebih dekat dengan Allah. Ujian juga adalah penghapus dosa dan penambah pahala bagi orang2 yang sabar dan redha.

Sabar dan redha tak bermaksud kita duduk tunggu tanpa buat apa2 yea. Kita kena usaha dan gandakan doa sambil sabar menunggu pertolongan Allah tanpa berputus asa. But if things does not turn out as we hope dalam doa kita, percaya lah itu adalah yang terbaik buat kita walaupun sangat pahit untuk kita lalui masa tu.

Byk ayat2 dan zikir- zikir syifa' yang saya dapat belajar dan amalkan dan dapat lihat kesannya masa dilanda ujian ini. But these words are meaningless without faith, so yang paling kena yakin dengan kekuasaan Allah dan istiqamah. Ni saya list balik ayat2 dan amalan yang dianjurkan baca dan buat masa sakit ( tak kira lah utk diri sendiri atau org lain), mudah-mudahan Allah memberi kesembuhan:

Ayat2 Amalan untuk Minta Kesembuhan

  1. Doa Nabi Yunus
  2. Selawat Syifa'
  3. Ayat-ayat syifa'
  4. Yasin baca lepas subuh
  5. Bykkan sedekah dengan niat mintak Allah sembuhkan penyakit
  6. Everytime solat, Al-Fatihah yang dibaca disedekahkan pada yang sakit
  7. Solat hajat banyak-banyak
  8. Baca ayat 40-55 surah Al- Isra' tiga kali sehari sambil pegang dada org yang sakit bg penyakit dalaman
  9. Ucap Ya Salam sebanyak 136 kali 
  10. UcapYa Naafi' seanyak mungkin
  11. Nazar sedekah pada anak yatim or orang miskin kalau anak sembuh

Ingat, kena istiqamah, tawakkal dan yakin dengan pertolongan Allah swt.

Secondly,  we became stronger after gone through this experience. We found our strength from families and friends yang sangat2 prihatin dan tak putus-putus memberi semangat dan sentiasa doakan kami. We could not thank you enough. Jazakumullahu Khairan Kathira.

Third, perception kami pada service hospital kerajaan totally changed after adik Hafiz masuk ICU. Actually the service is superb, the doctors and nurses are really dedicated and committed, ikhlas bekerja and they have big hearts.Maybe service yang dekat klinik or kecemasan need some improvement but once your are warded, you'll get full attention. Semoga Allah membalas jasa mereka dengan sebaik-baik balasan di dunia dan akhirat.

Fouth, kat dalam wad kita akan jumpa macam2 orang. dan sepanjang saya duduk kat mother's room kat ICU tu, I met a lot of strong mothers. For example Kak Sofia, which I mentioned in my ealier entry. She's from Pekan. Anak 7 org, only her husband yang kerje. Her daugther was admitted to ICU before Raya and diorng memang beraya kat hospital je lah. Anak kak Sofia was warded for almost 1 month and the doctor said every vital organ in her dautghter's body already deteriorated. Most of the time dia sorang2 kat hospital as her husband have to work and took care of other 6 children. Dan family dia susah yang tahap layak terima zakat. But dia sekali pun tak pernah patah semangat, always positive, she even boleh bagi semangat to other mums. Saya memang respect dan kagum dengan Kak Sofia. Rahsia dia, pergantungan dia kepada Allah sgt kuat, dan dia tak biarkan faktor2 luar mempengaruhi dia. Until now I keep in touch with her.

I also watch a mother lost her son. Her son was born prematured and had lung infection, after almost a month on ventilator, Allah took him back. Dan ada orang Asli jugak yang datang jaga anak dia, I could not remember dari mana but she came sehelai sepinggang and her husband only came 3 days later. We did what we can to help her, i.e. gave her some clothes and money.

Pengalaman ini menyedarkan saya yang ramai lagi orang susah kat luar sana yang memerlukan pertolongan kita. I am very thankful with whatever Allah gave my and my family sebab Alhamdulillah, hidup kami jauh lebih senang dari mereka walaupun kami bukan kaya raya.

All in all it was really a humbling experience which I never forget. It has made me stronger, more matured and more thankful to Allah and everybody around me.

And one costly lesson learnt we get from this experience is never go to General Physician (doctor klinik biasa) when your baby ada batuk, selsema and later demam panas. Please, please, please immediately bawak jumpa specialist - pakar kanak2. High chances that doctor biasa takleh detect that anak penyakit anak kita dah start teruk.

Tapi pape pun, Alhamdulillah, adik Hafiz recovered totally, no observable effect now mcm apa yang doktor cakap masa mula2 masuk ICU tu. Syukur sangat2. He is a very healthy boy who's growing up dengan ceria dan aktif.. and amazingly berat dia tak turun sgt pun masa warded tu..hehe.. mmg budak yang semangat :)

Friday 28 September 2012

Blessing In Disguise - Part 1

Pernah dengar orang kata mesti ada hikmah di sebalik apa yang terjadi (always referred to 'bad' things that had happened to us) atau mengikut pepatah omputeh, diorng biasa cakap blessing in disguise when  unwanted or unpleasant thing happened to someone. Indeed it is very true in my personal opinion.

Kalau kita betul2 percaya dan yakin dengan sifat Allah yang biasa sangat2 kita dengar yakni Ar- Rahman dan Ar-Rahim, mesti kita jugak yakin yang apa2 jer yang terjadi kat kita or as a matter of fact kat mana2 orang sekali pun  terutama orang2 yang beriman adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Sebabnya Allah Maha Pemurah lagi  Maha Mengasihani kan..

Me myself was among those who are always whining, blaming others and easily give up when faced with ujian, tak kira lah ujian besar ke kecik. But last year I had a very eye opening experience. It was in fact the biggest test in my life.

Al kisahnya bermula akhir Ramadhan tahun lepas. Adik Hafiz batuk and selsema sehari sebelum kami balik kampung untuk sambut Aidil Fitri. We had a visit to a pediatrician and take necessary medicine including antiiotic in view of long journey next day to Machang.

Even with the medication, Adik Hafiz did not get better. Malam Raya ketiga Adik Hafiz demam panas. Kami bawak dia jumpa doktor lagi skali kat klinik kat Machang, this time general physician. Tapi sebab doktor tu dah nak tutup klinik, the diagnostic process was very brief. Balik rumah, Adik Hafiz minum ubat and Alhamdulillah suhu badan dia turun dan boleh tido that night.

Hari raya ketiga, we went to couple of houses untuk beraya. Adik Hafiz tak aktif macam biasa, either he sleep or dia merengek and nak dukung je tapi as long as dia tak demam I thought he was OK. Tapi sangkaan tu meleset sama sekali. Menjelang malam Adik Hafiz demam lagi dan suhu dia sgt tinggi. We decided to balik Kuantan early next day  to seek medical treatment for him as there are no specialist in Machang and nak pergi  Kota Bharu is like impossile masa raya sebab jalan confirm jam teruk.

So lepas subuh raya ke empat we headed back to Kuantan. Badan Adik Hafiz still sgt panas. He slept all the way sambil menyusu. Since pagi-pagi tak banyak sangat kereta and Alhamdulillah masa tu tak hujan, we manage to reach Kuantan in 3 hours time.Sampai je Kuantan kami terus ke KMC jumpa Pediatrician kat situ. Doktor dah tahu bila dengar cara Adik Hafiz merengek tu yang his condition was not good. Upon checking, doktor terus kata 'Ni kena warded ni' sebab his fever was very high and dia punya lung was already infected.

Doctor told us to go for nebulizer and the X-ray. Masa amek neb adik hafiz meronta-ronta while crying taknak benda tu. but towards the end the just cried silently sambil mata terkebil-kebil tengok ibu. Lepas habis neb suddenly he turned blue.Allahu Akbar, saya sangat risau dan mintak nurse panggil doktor.The doctor came, checked on him and told us that O2 level Adik Hafiz dah menurun, dia tak boleh bernafas sendiri dan kena masuk ICU and need ventilator to help him breath. MasyaAllah, masa tu Allah je yang tahu perasaan saya ngan husband. Doctor tried to do everything he can to help Adik Hafiz to get some O2. It was a very heart wrenching moment as we could not do anything other than hoping he will survive.

Alhamdulillah, in about half an hour after Dr Yeo called HTAA about the case, we managed to get a bed in ICU. So, saya ngan Adik Hafiz was brought to HTAA in KMC's ambulance as Adik hafiz was on O2 support. I felt like it was the longest journey even though tak sampai 10 minit pun dalam ambulans tu. Mana tidaknya, seeing my baby so weak, mata hitam dia dah ternaik ke atas, almost lifeless. But I kept talking to him ask him to hang on..huhu..

When we arrived at children's ICU ward, 4 doctors attended to him as his was already very very critical. I kept on praying to Allah and continuously recite doa Nabi Yunus to seek for Allah's mercy.Despite what the ICU doctor said, deep down in my heart I believe Adik hafiz will gonna be just fine and I believe that anything is possible dengan kekuasan Allah.

'Anak puan sangat sangat tenat, harapan untuk dia pulih 50:50. kemungkinan perkembangan mental dia akan terjejas sebab mengalami kekurangan oksigen yang teruk.Sekarang keadaan dia stabil tapi masih kritikal. Keadaan dia boleh jadi makin teruk atau makin baik dalam masa 48 jam' some of the doctor's words that I remembered. Boleh bayangkan tak macam mana perasaan kami suami isteri masa tu? My husband felt on his knees, crying. But I managed to find the strength not to shed any tears in front of the doctor. Bukan nak jaga macho but I believed that those words are not final. It was just based on her medical knowledge and Adik Hafiz's condition at that time. Anyway, thanks to Kak Sofia, one of the ICU patient's mother yang dah bagi gambaran what the doctor gonna say bila keluar dari bilik anak kita. So I was kind of mentally prepared.

Ok, I guess sampai sini dulu sharing on Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2 as I will share on the priceless experience in the ICU.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Dedicated to..

Billions all of people blog nowadays with all sorts of stories and things to share with countless intents and agendas. Blogging now has evolved from just served as 'My Dear Dairy' to motivational and inspiring stories sharing, knowledge and skills broadcasting and also platform to trigger useful discussion on subject related to economics, religion, politics, medical practice, health, education and the list goes on and on.

Well, that reminds me of my original intent of entering the blogger community.  As the blog's name suggest, these writings is basically dedicated to my beloved babies, Muhammad Amirul Hakim and Muhammad Amirul Hafiz. I wish to capture my personal experience fused with other extraordinary beings which I came across in my life hoping that it will be of benefit to them and perhaps their younger brothers and sisters (kalau ada rezeki :D ), InsyaAllah. It will be a part and parcel of raising up my imam mudas :) Semoga perkongsian ini bermanfaat untuk anak2 ibu dan sesapa sahaja yang relevant.
My Imam Muda.. InsyaAllah (gambar thn lepas)
Abg Hakim

Adik Hafiz

Bercakap tentang 'intentions' - niat, teringat Hadith Nabi saw. Hadith Satu dalam himpunan Hadith 40 Imam Nawawi rahimahullah yang berbunyi:

ﻋﻦ أﻣِﻴْﺮِ اﻟﻤُﺆْﻣِﻨِﻴْﻦَ أﺑِﻲْ ﺡَﻔْﺺٍ ﻋُﻤَﺮَ ﺑْﻦِ اﻟﺨَﻄﱠﺎب رَﺿِﻲَ اﷲُ ﻋَﻨْﻪُ ﻗَﺎلَ: ﺳَﻤِﻌْﺖُ رَﺳُﻮلَ اﷲِ
ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ یَﻘُﻮلُ: (( إِﻧﱠﻤَﺎ اﻷَﻋْﻤَﺎلُ ﺑِﺎﻟﻨﱢﻴﱠﺎتِ وَإِﻧﱠﻤَﺎ ﻟِﻜُﻞﱢ اﻣْﺮِئٍ ﻣَﺎ ﻧَﻮَى ﻓَﻤَﻦْ آَﺎﻧَﺖْ
هـِﺠْﺮَﺗُﻪُ إِﻟﻰَ اﷲِ وَرَﺳُﻮﻟِﻪِ ﻓَﻬِﺠْﺮَﺗُﻪُ إﻟﻰ اﷲِ ورَﺳُﻮﻟِﻪِ وَﻣَﻦْ آَﺎﻧَﺖْ  هِﺠْﺮَﺗُﻪُ ﻟِﺪُﻧْﻴَﺎ یُﺼِﻴْﺒُﻬَﺎ أَوِ اﻣْﺮَأَةٍ
یَﻨْﻜِﺤُﻬَﺎ ﻓَﻬِﺠْﺮَﺗُﻪُ إِﻟَﻰ ﻣَﺎ هَﺎﺟَﺮَ إِﻟَﻴْﻪِ)) . رواﻩ إﻣﺎﻣﺎ اﻟﺤﺪﺛﻴﻦ أﺑﻮ ﻋﺒﺪ اﷲ ﻣﺤﻤﺪ ﺑﻦ إﺳﻤﺎﻋﻴﻞ ﺑﻦ
إﺑﺮاهﻴﻢ ﺑﻦ اﻟﻤﻐﻴﺮة ﺑﻦ ﺑﺮدزیﺔ اﻟﺒﺨﺎري، وأﺑﻮ اﻟﺤﺴﻴﻦ ﻣﺴﻠﻢ ﺑﻦ اﻟﺤﺠﺎج ﺑﻦ ﻣﺴﻠﻢ اﻟﻘﺸﻴﺮي
اﻟﻨﻴﺴﺎﺑﻮري ﻓﻲ ﺻﺤﻴﺤﻴﻬﻤﺎ اﻟﻠﺬیﻦ ﻣﻦ أﺻﺢ اﻟﻜﺘﺐ اﻟﻤﺼﻨﻔﺔ.
Daripada Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafsin 'Umar ibn al-Katthab r.a. beliau berkata: Aku mendengar 
Rasulullah SAW bersabda: 
Bahawa sesungguhnya setiap amalan itu bergantung kepada niat, dan bahawa sesungguhnya bagi setiap 
orang apa yang dia niatkan. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya menuju kepada Allah dan RasulNya, maka 
hijrahnya kepada Allah dan RasulNya. Barangsiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang dia mahu 
mencari habuannya, atau kerana seorang perempuan yang dia mahu kahwininya, maka hijrahnya ke 
arah perkara yang ditujuinya itu.

Hadith ni menegaskan pada kita bahawa what ever we do kena ada niat kerana ganjaran dan manafaat dari usaha dan perbuatan kita bergantung kepada niat kita. Contoh, kita pergi kerja hari2, niatkan kerja itu sebagai ibadah, sebagai kenderaan utk meraih kemenangan yang hakiki di akhirat dgn mendapat redha Allah. dan sebaik-baiknya niat itu dilafazkan or dilintaskan di dalam hati every time nak gi kerja.

Once kita niatkan kerana Allah, dan mulakan dengan basmallah, insyaAllah tujuan kita akan jelas, kerja kita terarah dan terpandu ke arah objective yang kita set dgn cara-cara yang menepati nilai-nilai Islam. huhu.. ni peringatan yang penting utk diri sendiri yang asyik merungut jer bila gi kerje.. yang rasa cam keje tu tak bwk pape makna to petanda niat tak kena ni.. or takde niat langsung.. just go with the flow..

Niat yang betul akan menjaga action kita supaya tak tersasar dan 'ter'buat maksiat dalam melaksanakan satu-satu kerja. For example, time kerje, kita gunakan masa dan alatan pejabat dgn penuh integriti, time buat kek tempahan customer, kita buat sepenuh hati dgn bahan2 yang lengkap dan quality yang bgs.. bukan buat asal siap, janji duit masuk.. huhu..

Soal niat ni soal hati. Soal hati mmg susah nak control dan keep it consistent sebab kita tahu hati manusia ni sentiasa berbolak balik dan imam jugak ada pasang surutnya kan.. so nak nak tak.. need to have constant reminder samaada dari diri sendiri - kira sessi muhasabah or selalu dengar tazkirah supaya kita sentiasa ada kesedaran.

By the way, here's nice song about Hadith 1 from Xifu and Al-Gebra. Happy listening!! :)

Thursday 6 September 2012

Riang Ria Hari Raya - Eidul Fitri 1433H

Rasanya tak terlambat lagi utk saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya!! Maaf Zahir Batin. Taqabbalallahu minna wa minkum. :)

Despite hubby's turn to standby during 1st week raya (meaning no balik kampung for us 1st week Syawal) we had a great raya celebration. It was a blast as we got the chance to beraya with both families during our raya leave. Lambat pun takpe...

Dan bila tengok anak-anak sehat dan ceria di Hari Raya, syukur Alhamdulillah. Kita pun dapat layan mood Raya to the max..hehe.. :)
Family photo on 1st Syawal

Before this I took for granted the health condition of myself and my family members during festive season. Tak pernah rasa syukur dengan nikmat sihat yang Allah kurnia bila menyambut Raya. But after two consecutive years celebrating Raya with poor health condition of my sons (gilir-gilir adik and abang)  and me myself was not in the pinkest of health during beginning of Syawal this year, I am really thankful for the good health, Alhamdulillah.

Even my grandma yang dah 70 lebih pun sihat siap boleh masakkan dinner utk kitorng sumer and kait buah rambutan untuk bagi kami bawa balik.She's a superwoman! I really admire you, nenek.
Nenda tersayang

Melihat anak-anak ceria dan dapat menziarahi dan meraikan sanak saudara dan sahabat-sahabat sempena Aidil Fitri is really PRICELESS.
Ceria dua beradik main Talking Ginger kat telefon Cik Lang

Kesihatan yang baik bukan datang bergolek. Kita kena usaha dengan menjaga kebersihan diri, persekitaran (terutama rumah) dan jaga pemakanan kita. For me apart from balanced diet and watching our food intake day in and day out, supplement is also very important.This is to compensate the lack of essential nutrients from daily food consumption and also to boost our immune system for optimum health.

Syawal tahun ni jugak lebih bermakna as we got the chance to beraya with both families, mine and hubby's.
Happy faces of my big family (without angah's family)
Angah's family  
Syawal with my in laws

Even though tak sempat bergambar ngan angah anak beranak kat rumah umi, angah sempat singgah beraya kat my house on the way from KT to KL. All in all our raya celebration was a blast this year :)

Saturday 1 September 2012

Getting started :)

Alhamdulillah.. after soooo long of thinking of having my own blog, hari ni finally i managed to create one. hehe..Congratulation Hanun!! ahaqs.. hope it will be a start of good things dan semoga blog ni memberi manfaat to me, my family and those who happen to read my future entries..Amin,, :)