Friday 28 September 2012

Blessing In Disguise - Part 1

Pernah dengar orang kata mesti ada hikmah di sebalik apa yang terjadi (always referred to 'bad' things that had happened to us) atau mengikut pepatah omputeh, diorng biasa cakap blessing in disguise when  unwanted or unpleasant thing happened to someone. Indeed it is very true in my personal opinion.

Kalau kita betul2 percaya dan yakin dengan sifat Allah yang biasa sangat2 kita dengar yakni Ar- Rahman dan Ar-Rahim, mesti kita jugak yakin yang apa2 jer yang terjadi kat kita or as a matter of fact kat mana2 orang sekali pun  terutama orang2 yang beriman adalah yang terbaik untuk kita. Sebabnya Allah Maha Pemurah lagi  Maha Mengasihani kan..

Me myself was among those who are always whining, blaming others and easily give up when faced with ujian, tak kira lah ujian besar ke kecik. But last year I had a very eye opening experience. It was in fact the biggest test in my life.

Al kisahnya bermula akhir Ramadhan tahun lepas. Adik Hafiz batuk and selsema sehari sebelum kami balik kampung untuk sambut Aidil Fitri. We had a visit to a pediatrician and take necessary medicine including antiiotic in view of long journey next day to Machang.

Even with the medication, Adik Hafiz did not get better. Malam Raya ketiga Adik Hafiz demam panas. Kami bawak dia jumpa doktor lagi skali kat klinik kat Machang, this time general physician. Tapi sebab doktor tu dah nak tutup klinik, the diagnostic process was very brief. Balik rumah, Adik Hafiz minum ubat and Alhamdulillah suhu badan dia turun dan boleh tido that night.

Hari raya ketiga, we went to couple of houses untuk beraya. Adik Hafiz tak aktif macam biasa, either he sleep or dia merengek and nak dukung je tapi as long as dia tak demam I thought he was OK. Tapi sangkaan tu meleset sama sekali. Menjelang malam Adik Hafiz demam lagi dan suhu dia sgt tinggi. We decided to balik Kuantan early next day  to seek medical treatment for him as there are no specialist in Machang and nak pergi  Kota Bharu is like impossile masa raya sebab jalan confirm jam teruk.

So lepas subuh raya ke empat we headed back to Kuantan. Badan Adik Hafiz still sgt panas. He slept all the way sambil menyusu. Since pagi-pagi tak banyak sangat kereta and Alhamdulillah masa tu tak hujan, we manage to reach Kuantan in 3 hours time.Sampai je Kuantan kami terus ke KMC jumpa Pediatrician kat situ. Doktor dah tahu bila dengar cara Adik Hafiz merengek tu yang his condition was not good. Upon checking, doktor terus kata 'Ni kena warded ni' sebab his fever was very high and dia punya lung was already infected.

Doctor told us to go for nebulizer and the X-ray. Masa amek neb adik hafiz meronta-ronta while crying taknak benda tu. but towards the end the just cried silently sambil mata terkebil-kebil tengok ibu. Lepas habis neb suddenly he turned blue.Allahu Akbar, saya sangat risau dan mintak nurse panggil doktor.The doctor came, checked on him and told us that O2 level Adik Hafiz dah menurun, dia tak boleh bernafas sendiri dan kena masuk ICU and need ventilator to help him breath. MasyaAllah, masa tu Allah je yang tahu perasaan saya ngan husband. Doctor tried to do everything he can to help Adik Hafiz to get some O2. It was a very heart wrenching moment as we could not do anything other than hoping he will survive.

Alhamdulillah, in about half an hour after Dr Yeo called HTAA about the case, we managed to get a bed in ICU. So, saya ngan Adik Hafiz was brought to HTAA in KMC's ambulance as Adik hafiz was on O2 support. I felt like it was the longest journey even though tak sampai 10 minit pun dalam ambulans tu. Mana tidaknya, seeing my baby so weak, mata hitam dia dah ternaik ke atas, almost lifeless. But I kept talking to him ask him to hang on..huhu..

When we arrived at children's ICU ward, 4 doctors attended to him as his was already very very critical. I kept on praying to Allah and continuously recite doa Nabi Yunus to seek for Allah's mercy.Despite what the ICU doctor said, deep down in my heart I believe Adik hafiz will gonna be just fine and I believe that anything is possible dengan kekuasan Allah.

'Anak puan sangat sangat tenat, harapan untuk dia pulih 50:50. kemungkinan perkembangan mental dia akan terjejas sebab mengalami kekurangan oksigen yang teruk.Sekarang keadaan dia stabil tapi masih kritikal. Keadaan dia boleh jadi makin teruk atau makin baik dalam masa 48 jam' some of the doctor's words that I remembered. Boleh bayangkan tak macam mana perasaan kami suami isteri masa tu? My husband felt on his knees, crying. But I managed to find the strength not to shed any tears in front of the doctor. Bukan nak jaga macho but I believed that those words are not final. It was just based on her medical knowledge and Adik Hafiz's condition at that time. Anyway, thanks to Kak Sofia, one of the ICU patient's mother yang dah bagi gambaran what the doctor gonna say bila keluar dari bilik anak kita. So I was kind of mentally prepared.

Ok, I guess sampai sini dulu sharing on Part 1. Stay tuned for Part 2 as I will share on the priceless experience in the ICU.
About Unknown

A mom to three adorable heroes, insyaAllah will be our Imam Muda(s). A wife to a loving and very supportive husband. Being blessed with all great family and friends around us. A Shaklee Independent Distributor by choice, SID 882031. Dedicated to spread the goodness of Shaklee and promote healthy life.

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  1. Berair mata bila baca moment2 gini..teringat akram masa awl kelahiran dl

    1. Akram preemie ek Jazilah? Alhamdulillah anak2 kita dipanjangkan umur..All the best untuk the third one :)
